📄️ Get market data history
Get market data history for a market ID from between a given date range
📄️ Get latest market data
Get the latest market data for a given market
📄️ Get latest market depth
Get the latest market depth for a given market
📄️ Get market
Get information about a specific market using its ID. A market's ID will be the same as the ID of the proposal that generated it
📄️ List markets
Get a list of markets
📄️ List latest market data
Get a list of the latest market data for every market
📄️ Observe markets data
Subscribe to a stream of data about a given market
📄️ Observe markets depth
Subscribe to a stream of the latest market depth for a given market
📄️ Observe markets depth updates
Subscribe to a stream of updates on market depth for a given market
📄️ List successor markets
Given a market ID, return the full lineage of markets since inception, or all successor markets since and including the given market ID. The markets will be returned in succession order, i.e. the market at position i will be the parent of the market at position i+1.