📄️ asset
An asset which is used in the vega network
📄️ assetsConnection
The list of all assets in use in the Vega network or the specified asset if ID is provided
📄️ balanceChanges
Get historical balances for an account within the given date range
📄️ coreSnapshots
List core snapshots
📄️ deposit
Find a deposit using its ID
📄️ deposits
Fetch all deposits
📄️ entities
Fetch all entities for a given transaction hash
📄️ epochRewardSummaries
List reward summary per epoch by asset, market, reward type
📄️ epoch
Get data for a specific epoch, if ID omitted it gets the current epoch. If the string is 'next', fetch the next epoch
📄️ erc20ListAssetBundle
Get the signatures bundle to allowlist an ERC20 token in the collateral bridge
📄️ erc20MultiSigSignerAddedBundles
Get the signature bundle to add a particular validator to the signer list of the multisig contract
📄️ erc20MultiSigSignerRemovedBundles
Get the signatures bundle to remove a particular validator from signer list of the multisig contract
📄️ erc20SetAssetLimitsBundle
Get the signature bundle to update the token limits (maxLifetimeDeposit and withdrawThreshold) for a given ERC20 token (already allowlisted) in the collateral bridge
📄️ erc20WithdrawalApproval
Find an erc20 withdrawal approval using its withdrawal ID
📄️ estimateFees
Return an estimation of the potential cost for a new order
📄️ estimateOrder
Return an estimation of the potential cost for a new order
📄️ estimatePosition
Return a margin range for the specified position and liquidation price range if available collateral is supplied
📄️ ethereumKeyRotations
Query for historic ethereum key rotations
📄️ getMarketDataHistoryConnectionByID
Get market data history for a specific market. If no dates are given, the latest snapshot will be returned. If only the start date is provided all history from the given date will be provided, and if only the end date is provided, all history from the start up to and including the end date will be provided.
📄️ keyRotationsConnection
Query for historic key rotations
📄️ lastBlockHeight
The last block process by the blockchain
📄️ ledgerEntries
Get ledger entries by asset, market, party, account type, transfer type within the given date range.
📄️ market
An instrument that is trading on the Vega network
📄️ marketsConnection
One or more instruments that are trading on the Vega network
📄️ mostRecentHistorySegment
The most recent history segment
📄️ networkLimits
Current network limits
📄️ networkParameter
Return a single network parameter
📄️ networkParametersConnection
Return the full list of network parameters
📄️ nodeData
Returns information about nodes
📄️ nodeSignaturesConnection
Return a list of aggregated node signature for a given resource ID
📄️ node
Specific node in network
📄️ nodesConnection
All known network nodes
📄️ oracleDataBySpecConnection
All oracle data for a given oracle spec ID
📄️ oracleDataConnection
All registered oracle specs
📄️ oracleSpec
An oracle spec for a given oracle spec ID
📄️ oracleSpecsConnection
All registered oracle specs
📄️ orderByID
An order in the Vega network found by orderID
📄️ orderByReference
An order in the Vega network found by referenceID
📄️ orderVersionsConnection
Order versions (created via amendments if any) found by orderID
📄️ partiesConnection
One or more entities that are trading on the Vega network
📄️ party
An entity that is trading on the Vega network
📄️ positions
Fetch all positions
📄️ proposal
A governance proposal located by either its ID or reference. If both are set, ID is used.
📄️ proposalsConnection
All governance proposals in the Vega network
📄️ protocolUpgradeProposals
List protocol upgrade proposals, optionally filtering on status or approver
📄️ protocolUpgradeStatus
Flag indicating whether the data-node is ready to begin the protocol upgrade
📄️ statistics
Get statistics about the Vega node
📄️ stopOrder
Get stop order by ID
📄️ stopOrders
Get a list of stop orders. If provided, the filter will be applied to the list of stop orders to restrict the results.
📄️ successorMarkets
List markets in a succession line
📄️ trades
Get a list of all trades and apply any given filters to the results
📄️ transfersConnection
Get a list of all transfers for a public key
📄️ withdrawal
Find a withdrawal using its ID
📄️ withdrawals
Fetch all withdrawals