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Version: mainnet (v0.72)

Get help

If you need help using the wallet software, use the Vega Wallet --help (or -h) flag.

For general guidance

For general guidance, use vega wallet -h. You will get the description of the available commands and sub-commands.

Example of output:

> vega wallet --help

The Vega wallet

wallet [command]

# Specify a custom Vega home directory
vega wallet --home PATH_TO_DIR COMMAND

# Change the output to JSON
vega wallet --output json COMMAND

# Disable colors on output using environment variable
NO_COLOR=1 vega wallet COMMAND

Available Commands:
api-token Manage the API tokens
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
create Create a wallet
delete Delete the specified wallet and its keys
describe Describe the specified wallet
help Help about any command
import Import a wallet using the recovery phrase
init Initialise the software
key Manage Vega wallets' keys
list List all registered wallets
message Sign and verify messages
network Manage networks
passphrase Manage the wallet passphrase
permissions Manage permissions of a given wallet
raw_transaction Provides utilities for interacting with raw transactions
rename Rename the specified wallet
service Manage the Vega wallet's service
shell Manage the shell integration of the software
software Retrieve the technical details of the software
transaction Provides utilities for interacting with transactions

-h, --help help for wallet
--home string Specify the location of a custom Vega home
-o, --output string Specify the output format: [interactive json] (default "interactive")

Use "wallet [command] --help" for more information about a command.

On a sub-command

The vega wallet CLI is complex software. To improve its structure, it has nested commands, also called sub-commands.

Example of such sub-commands are key, network, api-token, etc.

To know which actions are available on sub-commands, use vega wallet <SUB-COMMAND> --help, where <SUB-COMMAND> is the name of the sub-command you are interested in.

Example of output for key:

> vega wallet key -h

Manage Vega wallets' keys

wallet key [command]

Available Commands:
annotate Add metadata to a key pair
describe Describe the specified key pair
generate Generate a new key pair in a given wallet
isolate Extract the specified key pair into an isolated wallet
list List the keys of a given wallet
rotate Build a signed key rotation transaction
taint Mark a key pair as tainted
untaint Remove the taint from a key pair

-h, --help help for key

Global Flags:
--home string Specify the location of a custom Vega home
-o, --output string Specify the output format: [interactive json] (default "interactive")

Use "wallet key [command] --help" for more information about a command.

For command parameters

All commands document their parameters and provide usage examples. To access the list of parameters, use vega wallet <COMMAND> --help.

Example of output for key generate:

> vega wallet key generate -h

Generate a new Ed25519 key pair in the specified wallet.

wallet key generate [flags]

# Generate a key pair
vega wallet key generate --wallet WALLET

# Generate a key pair with additional metadata (name = my-wallet and type = validation)
vega wallet key generate --wallet WALLET --meta "name:my-wallet,type:validation"

# Generate a key pair with custom name
vega wallet key generate --wallet WALLET --meta "name:my-wallet"

-h, --help help for generate
-m, --meta strings Metadata to add to the generated key-pair: "my-key1:my-value1,my-key2:my-value2"
-p, --passphrase-file string Path to the file containing the wallet's passphrase
-w, --wallet string The wallet where the key is generated in

Global Flags:
--home string Specify the location of a custom Vega home
-o, --output string Specify the output format: [interactive json] (default "interactive")