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Version: mainnet (v0.72)


Represents an asset in Vega

type Asset {
id: ID!
name: String!
symbol: String!
decimals: Int!
quantum: String!
source: AssetSource!
status: AssetStatus!
infrastructureFeeAccount: AccountBalance
globalRewardPoolAccount: AccountBalance
takerFeeRewardAccount: AccountBalance
makerFeeRewardAccount: AccountBalance
lpFeeRewardAccount: AccountBalance
marketProposerRewardAccount: AccountBalance

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the asset ● String! non-null scalar

The full name of the asset (e.g: Great British Pound)

Asset.symbol ● String! non-null scalar

The symbol of the asset (e.g: GBP)

Asset.decimals ● Int! non-null scalar

The precision of the asset. Should match the decimal precision of the asset on its native chain, e.g: for ERC20 assets, it is often 18

Asset.quantum ● String! non-null scalar

The minimum economically meaningful amount in the asset

Asset.source ● AssetSource! non-null union

The origin source of the asset (e.g: an ERC20 asset)

Asset.status ● AssetStatus! non-null enum

The status of the asset in the Vega network

Asset.infrastructureFeeAccount ● AccountBalance object

The infrastructure fee account for this asset

Asset.globalRewardPoolAccount ● AccountBalance object

The global reward pool account for this asset

Asset.takerFeeRewardAccount ● AccountBalance object

The taker fee reward account for this asset

Asset.makerFeeRewardAccount ● AccountBalance object

The maker fee reward account for this asset

Asset.lpFeeRewardAccount ● AccountBalance object

The liquidity provision reward account for this asset

Asset.marketProposerRewardAccount ● AccountBalance object

The market proposer reward account for this asset

Returned by

asset query

Member of

AccountBalance object ● AccountEvent object ● AssetEdge object ● Deposit object ● Entities object ● Future object ● FutureProduct object ● MarginLevels object ● NewTransfer object ● Reward object ● RewardSummary object ● Transfer object ● Withdrawal object