Get Spam statistics
Get the spam statistics for a given party
Path Parameters
partyId string required
Party ID whose statistics are requested
- 200
- default
A successful response.
Example (from schema)
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
chainId string
Chain ID for which the statistics are captured.
statistics object
delegations object
bannedUntil If blocked the timestamp when the party will be unblocked as RFC3339Nano
countForEpoch uint64
maxForEpoch uint64
minTokensRequired Effective minimum number of tokens required to submit a transaction of this type
epochSeq uint64
issueSignatures object
bannedUntil If blocked the timestamp when the party will be unblocked as RFC3339Nano
countForEpoch uint64
maxForEpoch uint64
minTokensRequired Effective minimum number of tokens required to submit a transaction of this type
nodeAnnouncements object
bannedUntil If blocked the timestamp when the party will be unblocked as RFC3339Nano
countForEpoch uint64
maxForEpoch uint64
minTokensRequired Effective minimum number of tokens required to submit a transaction of this type
pow object
bannedUntil PoW banned until timestamp as RFC3339Nano
blockStates object[]
blockHash Hash of the current block
blockHeight uint64
difficulty uint64
expectedDifficulty uint64
This is the minimum required difficulty for the next transaction submitted on this block if it is possible to submit more transactions on this block, otherwise nil.
hashFunction Hashing function used to calculate the block hash
increasingDifficulty Whether or not this block allows for increasing proof-of-work difficulty if the
tx-per-block-hash limit has been reached
transactionsSeen uint64
txPerBlock uint64
numberOfPastBlocks uint64
proposals object
bannedUntil If blocked the timestamp when the party will be unblocked as RFC3339Nano
countForEpoch uint64
maxForEpoch uint64
minTokensRequired Effective minimum number of tokens required to submit a transaction of this type
transfers object
bannedUntil If blocked the timestamp when the party will be unblocked as RFC3339Nano
countForEpoch uint64
maxForEpoch uint64
minTokensRequired Effective minimum number of tokens required to submit a transaction of this type
votes object
bannedUntil If blocked the timestamp when the party will be unblocked as RFC3339Nano
maxForEpoch uint64
statistics object[]
countForEpoch uint64
minTokensRequired Effective minimum number of tokens required to vote on the proposal
proposal string
Unique ID of the proposal being voted on by the party.
"chainId": "string",
"statistics": {
"delegations": {
"bannedUntil": "string",
"countForEpoch": "string",
"maxForEpoch": "string",
"minTokensRequired": "string"
"epochSeq": "string",
"issueSignatures": {
"bannedUntil": "string",
"countForEpoch": "string",
"maxForEpoch": "string",
"minTokensRequired": "string"
"nodeAnnouncements": {
"bannedUntil": "string",
"countForEpoch": "string",
"maxForEpoch": "string",
"minTokensRequired": "string"
"pow": {
"bannedUntil": "string",
"blockStates": [
"blockHash": "string",
"blockHeight": "string",
"difficulty": "string",
"expectedDifficulty": "string",
"hashFunction": "string",
"increasingDifficulty": true,
"transactionsSeen": "string",
"txPerBlock": "string"
"numberOfPastBlocks": "string"
"proposals": {
"bannedUntil": "string",
"countForEpoch": "string",
"maxForEpoch": "string",
"minTokensRequired": "string"
"transfers": {
"bannedUntil": "string",
"countForEpoch": "string",
"maxForEpoch": "string",
"minTokensRequired": "string"
"votes": {
"bannedUntil": "string",
"maxForEpoch": "string",
"statistics": [
"countForEpoch": "string",
"minTokensRequired": "string",
"proposal": "string"
An unexpected error response.
Example (from schema)
- Array [
- ]
code int32
details object[]
@type string
message string
"code": 0,
"details": [
"@type": "string"
"message": "string"