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Version: mainnet (v0.72)

List reward summaries

Get a list of reward summaries where the reward amount is the total rewards received over all epochs per party ID and asset ID. Request parameters are optional party ID and asset ID. If no data is provided, all reward summaries will be returned grouped by party and asset ID.

Query Parameters
    partyId string

    Restrict the reward summary to rewards paid to the given parties.

    assetId string

    Restrict the reward summary to rewards paid in the given assets.

    pagination.first int32

    Number of records to be returned that sort greater than row identified by cursor supplied in 'after'.

    pagination.after string

    If paging forwards, the cursor string for the last row of the previous page.

    pagination.last int32

    Number of records to be returned that sort less than row identified by cursor supplied in 'before'.

    pagination.before string

    If paging forwards, the cursor string for the first row of the previous page.

    pagination.newestFirst boolean

    Whether to order the results with the newest records first. If not set, the default value is true.


A successful response.

    summaries object[]

    Page of rewards details data and corresponding page information.

  • Array [
  • amount string

    Total amount of rewards paid in the asset. This field is an unsigned integer scaled to the asset's decimal places.

    assetId string

    Asset ID in which the reward is being paid.

    partyId string

    Party ID to whom the reward is being paid.

  • ]