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Version: mainnet (v0.72)

Markets list

Get a list of markets

Query Parameters
    market string

A successful response.

    markets object[]
  • Array [
  • decimalPlaces uint64

    Number of decimal places that a price must be shifted by in order to get a correct price denominated in the currency of the market, for example: realPrice = price / 10^decimalPlaces.

    fees object

    Fees configuration that apply to the market.

    factors object

    Fee factors.

    infrastructureFee string

    Infrastructure fee charged network wide for staking and governance.

    liquidityFee string

    Liquidity fee applied per market for market making.

    makerFee string

    Market maker fee charged network wide.

    id string

    Unique ID for the market.

    insurancePoolFraction string

    The fraction of the parent market's insurance pool that this market inherits; range 0 through 1.

    linearSlippageFactor string

    Linear slippage factor is used to cap the slippage component of maintenance margin - it is applied to the slippage volume.

    liquidityMonitoringParameters object

    LiquidityMonitoringParameters for the market.

    auctionExtension int64

    Specifies by how many seconds an auction should be extended if leaving the auction were to trigger a liquidity auction.

    targetStakeParameters object

    Specifies parameters related to target stake calculation.

    scalingFactor double

    Specifies scaling factors used in target stake calculation.

    timeWindow int64

    Specifies length of time window expressed in seconds for target stake calculation.

    triggeringRatio string

    Specifies the triggering ratio for entering liquidity auction.

    lpPriceRange string

    Percentage move up and down from the mid price which specifies the range of price levels over which automated liquidity provision orders will be deployed.

    marketTimestamps object

    Timestamps for when the market state changes.

    close int64

    Time when the market closed.

    open int64

    Time when the market has left the opening auction and is ready to accept trades.

    pending int64

    Time when the market has been voted in and began its opening auction.

    proposed int64

    Time when the market is first proposed.

    openingAuction object

    Auction duration specifies how long the opening auction will run (minimum duration and optionally a minimum traded volume).

    duration int64

    Duration of the auction in seconds.

    volume uint64

    Target uncrossing trading volume.

    parentMarketId ID of the market this market succeeds
    positionDecimalPlaces int64

    The number of decimal places for a position.

    priceMonitoringSettings object

    PriceMonitoringSettings for the market.

    parameters object

    Specifies price monitoring parameters to be used for price monitoring purposes.

    triggers object[]
  • Array [
  • auctionExtension int64

    Price monitoring auction extension duration in seconds should the price breach its theoretical level over the specified horizon at the specified probability level.

    horizon int64

    Price monitoring projection horizon τ in seconds.

    probability string

    Price monitoring probability level p.

  • ]
  • quadraticSlippageFactor string

    Quadratic slippage factor is used to cap the slippage component of maintenance margin - it is applied to the square of the slippage volume.

    state Current state of the market


    Default value: STATE_UNSPECIFIED

    Current state of the market.

    successorMarketId string

    ID of the market that succeeds this market if it exists. This will be populated by the system when the successor market is enabled.

    tradableInstrument object

    Tradable instrument configuration.

    instrument object

    Details for the underlying instrument.

    code string

    Code for the instrument.

    future object


    dataSourceSpecBinding object

    Binding between the data spec and the data source.

    settlementDataProperty string

    Name of the property in the source data that should be used as settlement data. If it is set to "prices.BTC.value", then the Future will use the value of this property as settlement data.

    tradingTerminationProperty string

    Name of the property in the data source data that signals termination of trading.

    dataSourceSpecForSettlementData object

    Data source specification that describes the settlement data source filter.

    createdAt int64
    data object

    DataSourceDefinition represents the top level object that deals with data sources. DataSourceDefinition can be external or internal, with whatever number of data sources are defined for each type in the child objects below.

    external object

    DataSourceDefinitionExternal is the top level object used for all external data sources. It contains one of any of the defined SourceType variants.

    ethCall object

    Specifies a data source that derives its content from calling a read method on an Ethereum contract.

    abi object[]

    The ABI of that contract.

    address string

    Ethereum address of the contract to call.

    args object[]

    List of arguments to pass to method call. Protobuf 'Value' wraps an arbitrary JSON type that is mapped to an Ethereum type according to the ABI.

    method string

    Name of the method on the contract to call.

    trigger object

    Conditions for determining when to call the contract method.

    timeTrigger object

    Trigger for an Ethereum call based on the Ethereum block timestamp. Can be one-off or repeating.

    every uint64

    Repeat the call every n seconds after the inital call. If no time for initial call was specified, begin repeating immediately.

    initial uint64

    Trigger when the Ethereum time is greater or equal to this time, in Unix seconds.

    until uint64

    If repeating, stop once Ethereum time is greater than this time, in Unix seconds. If not set, then repeat indefinitely.

    oracle object

    All types of external data sources use the same configuration set for meeting requirements in order for the data to be useful for Vega - valid signatures and matching filters.

    filters object[]

    Filters describes which source data are considered of interest or not for the product (or the risk model).

  • Array [
  • conditions object[]

    Conditions that should be matched by the data to be considered of interest.

  • Array [
  • operator ConditionOperator



    Type of comparison to make on the value.

    value string

    Value to be compared with by the operator.

  • ]
  • key object

    Data source's data property key targeted by the filter.

    name string

    Name of the property.

    numberDecimalPlaces uint64
    type v1PropertyKeyType


    Default value: TYPE_UNSPECIFIED

    Data type of the property.

  • ]
  • signers object[]

    Signers is the list of authorized signatures that signed the data for this source. All the signatures in the data source data should be contained in this external source. All the signatures in the data should be contained in this list.

  • Array [
  • ethAddress object

    In case of an open oracle - Ethereum address will be submitted.

    address string
    pubKey object

    List of authorized public keys that signed the data for this source. All the public keys in the data should be contained in these public keys.

    key string
  • ]
  • internal object

    DataSourceDefinitionInternal is the top level object used for all internal data sources. It contains one of any of the defined SourceType variants.

    time object

    DataSourceSpecConfigurationTime is the internal data source used for emitting timestamps.

    conditions object[]

    Conditions that the timestamps should meet in order to be considered.

  • Array [
  • operator ConditionOperator



    Type of comparison to make on the value.

    value string

    Value to be compared with by the operator.

  • ]
  • id string

    Hash generated from the DataSpec data.

    status Status describes the status of the data source spec


    Default value: STATUS_UNSPECIFIED

    • STATUS_UNSPECIFIED: Default value.
    • STATUS_ACTIVE: STATUS_ACTIVE describes an active data source spec.
    • STATUS_DEACTIVATED: STATUS_DEACTIVATED describes an data source spec that is not listening to data anymore.
    updatedAt int64
    dataSourceSpecForTradingTermination object

    Data source specification that describes the trading termination data source filter.

    createdAt int64
    data object

    DataSourceDefinition represents the top level object that deals with data sources. DataSourceDefinition can be external or internal, with whatever number of data sources are defined for each type in the child objects below.

    external object

    DataSourceDefinitionExternal is the top level object used for all external data sources. It contains one of any of the defined SourceType variants.

    ethCall object

    Specifies a data source that derives its content from calling a read method on an Ethereum contract.

    abi object[]

    The ABI of that contract.

    address string

    Ethereum address of the contract to call.

    args object[]

    List of arguments to pass to method call. Protobuf 'Value' wraps an arbitrary JSON type that is mapped to an Ethereum type according to the ABI.

    method string

    Name of the method on the contract to call.

    trigger object

    Conditions for determining when to call the contract method.

    timeTrigger object

    Trigger for an Ethereum call based on the Ethereum block timestamp. Can be one-off or repeating.

    every uint64

    Repeat the call every n seconds after the inital call. If no time for initial call was specified, begin repeating immediately.

    initial uint64

    Trigger when the Ethereum time is greater or equal to this time, in Unix seconds.

    until uint64

    If repeating, stop once Ethereum time is greater than this time, in Unix seconds. If not set, then repeat indefinitely.

    oracle object

    All types of external data sources use the same configuration set for meeting requirements in order for the data to be useful for Vega - valid signatures and matching filters.

    filters object[]

    Filters describes which source data are considered of interest or not for the product (or the risk model).

  • Array [
  • conditions object[]

    Conditions that should be matched by the data to be considered of interest.

  • Array [
  • operator ConditionOperator



    Type of comparison to make on the value.

    value string

    Value to be compared with by the operator.

  • ]
  • key object

    Data source's data property key targeted by the filter.

    name string

    Name of the property.

    numberDecimalPlaces uint64
    type v1PropertyKeyType


    Default value: TYPE_UNSPECIFIED

    Data type of the property.

  • ]
  • signers object[]

    Signers is the list of authorized signatures that signed the data for this source. All the signatures in the data source data should be contained in this external source. All the signatures in the data should be contained in this list.

  • Array [
  • ethAddress object

    In case of an open oracle - Ethereum address will be submitted.

    address string
    pubKey object

    List of authorized public keys that signed the data for this source. All the public keys in the data should be contained in these public keys.

    key string
  • ]
  • internal object

    DataSourceDefinitionInternal is the top level object used for all internal data sources. It contains one of any of the defined SourceType variants.

    time object

    DataSourceSpecConfigurationTime is the internal data source used for emitting timestamps.

    conditions object[]

    Conditions that the timestamps should meet in order to be considered.

  • Array [
  • operator ConditionOperator



    Type of comparison to make on the value.

    value string

    Value to be compared with by the operator.

  • ]
  • id string

    Hash generated from the DataSpec data.

    status Status describes the status of the data source spec


    Default value: STATUS_UNSPECIFIED

    • STATUS_UNSPECIFIED: Default value.
    • STATUS_ACTIVE: STATUS_ACTIVE describes an active data source spec.
    • STATUS_DEACTIVATED: STATUS_DEACTIVATED describes an data source spec that is not listening to data anymore.
    updatedAt int64
    quoteName string

    Quote name of the instrument.

    settlementAsset string

    Underlying asset for the future.

    id string

    Unique instrument ID.

    metadata object

    Collection of instrument meta-data.

    tags string[]

    List of 0 or more tags.

    name string

    Name of the instrument.

    spot object


    baseAsset string

    Asset ID of the underlying base asset for the spot product.

    name string

    Name of the instrument.

    quoteAsset string

    Asset ID of the underlying quote asset for the spot product.

    logNormalRiskModel object

    Log normal.

    params object

    Risk model parameters for log normal.

    mu double

    Mu parameter, annualised growth rate of the underlying asset.

    r double

    R parameter, annualised growth rate of the risk-free asset, used for discounting of future cash flows, can be any real number.

    sigma double

    Sigma parameter, annualised volatility of the underlying asset, must be a strictly non-negative real number.

    riskAversionParameter double

    Risk Aversion Parameter.

    tau double

    Tau parameter of the risk model, projection horizon measured as a year fraction used in the expected shortfall calculation to obtain the maintenance margin, must be a strictly non-negative real number.

    marginCalculator object

    Margin calculator for the instrument.

    scalingFactors object

    Scaling factors for margin calculation.

    collateralRelease double

    Collateral release level. If a trader has collateral above this level, the system will release collateral to a trader's general collateral account for the asset.

    initialMargin double

    Initial margin level. This is the minimum amount of collateral required to open a position in a market that requires margin.

    searchLevel double

    Collateral search level. If collateral dips below this value, the system will search for collateral to release.

    simpleRiskModel object


    params object

    Risk model params for simple modelling.

    factorLong double

    Pre-defined risk factor value for long.

    factorShort double

    Pre-defined risk factor value for short.

    maxMoveUp double

    Pre-defined maximum price move up that the model considers as valid.

    minMoveDown double

    Pre-defined minimum price move down that the model considers as valid.

    probabilityOfTrading double

    Pre-defined constant probability of trading.

    tradingMode Trading mode the market is currently running, also referred to as 'market state'



    Current mode of execution of the market.

  • ]