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Version: testnet (v0.73)


Describes in both human readable and block time when an epoch spans.

type EpochTimestamps {
start: Timestamp
expiry: Timestamp
end: Timestamp
firstBlock: String!
lastBlock: String


EpochTimestamps.start ● Timestamp scalar

RFC3339 timestamp - Vega time of epoch start, null if not started

EpochTimestamps.expiry ● Timestamp scalar

RFC3339 timestamp - Vega time of epoch expiry

EpochTimestamps.end ● Timestamp scalar

RFC3339 timestamp - Vega time of epoch end, null if not ended

EpochTimestamps.firstBlock ● String! non-null scalar

Height of first block in the epoch, null if not started

EpochTimestamps.lastBlock ● String scalar

Height of last block in the epoch, null if not ended

Member of

Epoch object