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Version: testnet (v0.73)


Specifies a data source that derives its content from calling a read method on an Ethereum contract.

type EthCallSpec {
address: String!
abi: [String!]
method: String!
args: [String!]
trigger: EthCallTrigger!
requiredConfirmations: Int!
normalisers: [Normaliser!]
filters: [Filter!]


EthCallSpec.address ● String! non-null scalar

Ethereum address of the contract to call.

EthCallSpec.abi ● [String!] list scalar

The ABI of that contract.

EthCallSpec.method ● String! non-null scalar

Name of the method on the contract to call.

EthCallSpec.args ● [String!] list scalar

List of arguments to pass to method call. Protobuf 'Value' wraps an arbitrary JSON type that is mapped to an Ethereum type according to the ABI.

EthCallSpec.trigger ● EthCallTrigger! non-null object

Conditions for determining when to call the contract method.

EthCallSpec.requiredConfirmations ● Int! non-null scalar

Number of confirmations required before the query is considered verified.

EthCallSpec.normalisers ● [Normaliser!] list object

Normalisers are used to convert the data returned from the contract method into a standard format.

EthCallSpec.filters ● [Filter!] list object

Filters the data returned from the contract method.

Implemented by

ExternalDataSourceKind union