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Version: testnet (v0.73)


Details of the order that will be submitted when the stop order is triggered.

type OrderSubmission {
marketId: ID!
price: String!
size: String!
side: Side!
timeInForce: OrderTimeInForce!
expiresAt: Timestamp!
type: OrderType!
reference: String
peggedOrder: PeggedOrder
postOnly: Boolean
reduceOnly: Boolean
icebergOrder: IcebergOrder


OrderSubmission.marketId ● ID! non-null scalar

Market the order is for.

OrderSubmission.price ● String! non-null scalar

The worst price the order will trade at (e.g. buy for price or less, sell for price or more) (uint64)

OrderSubmission.size ● String! non-null scalar

Total number of units that may be bought or sold (immutable) (uint64)

OrderSubmission.side ● Side! non-null enum

Whether the order is to buy or sell

OrderSubmission.timeInForce ● OrderTimeInForce! non-null enum

The timeInForce of order (determines how and if it executes, and whether it persists on the book)

OrderSubmission.expiresAt ● Timestamp! non-null scalar

RFC3339Nano expiration time of this order

OrderSubmission.type ● OrderType! non-null enum

The order type

OrderSubmission.reference ● String scalar

The external reference (if available) for the order

OrderSubmission.peggedOrder ● PeggedOrder object

PeggedOrder contains the details about a pegged order

OrderSubmission.postOnly ● Boolean scalar

Is this a post only order

OrderSubmission.reduceOnly ● Boolean scalar

Is this a reduce only order

OrderSubmission.icebergOrder ● IcebergOrder object

Details of an iceberg order

Member of

StopOrder object