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Version: testnet (v0.73)


The fee paid by the party when a trade occurs

type TradeFee {
makerFee: String!
infrastructureFee: String!
liquidityFee: String!
makerFeeReferralDiscount: String
makerFeeVolumeDiscount: String
infrastructureFeeReferralDiscount: String
infrastructureFeeVolumeDiscount: String
liquidityFeeReferralDiscount: String
liquidityFeeVolumeDiscount: String


TradeFee.makerFee ● String! non-null scalar

The maker fee, paid by the aggressive party to the other party (the one who had an order in the book)

TradeFee.infrastructureFee ● String! non-null scalar

The infrastructure fee, a fee paid to the validators to maintain the Vega network

TradeFee.liquidityFee ● String! non-null scalar

The fee paid to the liquidity providers that committed liquidity to the market

TradeFee.makerFeeReferralDiscount ● String scalar

Referral discount on maker fees for the trade

TradeFee.makerFeeVolumeDiscount ● String scalar

Volume discount on maker fees for the trade

TradeFee.infrastructureFeeReferralDiscount ● String scalar

Referral discount on infrastructure fees for the trade

TradeFee.infrastructureFeeVolumeDiscount ● String scalar

Volume discount on infrastructure fees for the trade

TradeFee.liquidityFeeReferralDiscount ● String scalar

Referral discount on liquidity fees for the trade

TradeFee.liquidityFeeVolumeDiscount ● String scalar

Volume discount on liquidity fees for the trade

Member of

FeeEstimate object ● OrderEstimate object ● Trade object ● TradeUpdate object