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Version: testnet (v0.73)


No description

type UpdateVolumeDiscountProgram {
version: Int!
id: ID!
benefitTiers: [VolumeBenefitTier!]!
endOfProgramTimestamp: Timestamp!
windowLength: Int!


UpdateVolumeDiscountProgram.version ● Int! non-null scalar

The current version of the volume discount program ● ID! non-null scalar

ID of the proposal that created the discount program

UpdateVolumeDiscountProgram.benefitTiers ● [VolumeBenefitTier!]! non-null object

The benefit tiers for the program

UpdateVolumeDiscountProgram.endOfProgramTimestamp ● Timestamp! non-null scalar

The end time of the program

UpdateVolumeDiscountProgram.windowLength ● Int! non-null scalar

The window legnth to consider for the volume discount program

Implemented by

ProposalChange union